Sunday, January 11, 2009

Have You Ever Asked Yourself What Is the Cookie Diet

The last thing that comes to mind when people think about losing weight on a diet, would probably be a cookie diet. However, doctor Sanford Siegal developed a diet where the main focus is consuming cookies. However, don’t just go to the store and start consuming any cookies straight off the shelves because these are special cookies.

Dr. Siegel developed the diet in an effort to help his patients determine if they had a problem with their thyroid. The diet instructs people to consume only 800 calories per day on the cookie diet. If after 21 days his patient did not lose weight, Dr. Seigal suggests that it is a sign of a thyroid problem.

Do You Really Only Eat Cookies?
While on the cookie diet, you don’t just eat cookies. It is suggested that you actually consume one “full” meal per day at dinner time. This meal has specific instructions, though, to consist of one cup of vegetables and six ounces of lean protein, which includes only chicken, turkey, fish, or seafood. What Kind of Cookies Do You Eat On the Cookie Diet?
These cookies are actually designed to be a meal. They help kick start your metabolism, because they promote eating multiple small meals throughout the day. They are preservative free, made with triple filtered water, and sixty percent of the cookies’ ingredients are organic.

During the rest of the day, cookies are consumed. While on this diet you should eat six cookies, one at a time, as you become hungry, over the course of the day. Staying hydrated is also emphasized and you should consume at least eight glasses of liquid each day as well. Does the Cookie Diet Actually Work?
If you do not have a thyroid problem, then you should lose weight on this diet. However, experts in the field of weight loss agree that any diet that consists of 800 calories per day is bound to lead to weight loss. This is because the average person should be consuming around 2000-2500 calories per day. The probable reason for weight loss on the cookie diet is actually just from lack of calories. The downside to this is when you begin to consume a normal amount of calories again you will regain the weight you lost. Consuming only 800 calories per day is not considered to be safe or healthy. This is because consuming so few calories a day will not supply the body with enough energy nor the proper health it needs to survive. Also, one cup of vegetables per day is not enough to supply the body with the proper amount of nutrients. These nutrients are not only from vegetables, but from fruits as well, and fruits are not part of the cookie diet.

Always Consult Your Doctor Be sure to consult your doctor if you are interested in trying the cookie diet. Your doctor can help you determine if the cookie diet is right for you while assisting you in designing a safe and healthy plan for you to lose weight.

As suggested by Dr. Siegal, the cookie diet should not be followed on a long term basis. This is because the diet does not supply enough vitamins, minerals, and fiber to help sustain your body.
For additional information on just What Is the Cookie Diet and how to incorporate it into your diet and weight loss program, then visit You can also sign up to receive your free copy of our "30 Day Diet and Weight Loss Boot Camp" which assists you in determining if you are prepared to go on a diet. It also helps you to prepare so you will achieve success on most diets on the market today.

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